24 NW Court Square - #303 Paris Building Office - $500/mth
Located in beautiful downtown Graham, these offices overlook the Court Square. Includes electric, water, and gas. High speed Internet available. Free Wi-Fi (the city limits the use to 2 hours per session for the free )Wi-Fi, after that TWC Internet is available for $45/month). Includes kitchenette, cleaning service for common areas, trash pick-up, cardboard dumpster, and parking behind the building.
Close to shopping and restaurants. Building is within .10 mile of I-40/I-85, HWY 54, HWY 49, and HWY 87.
 For more information please contact property manager Chandra during the office hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday @ (336) 229-4225.